What is the skin barrier? And how do you know if it is damaged?

What is the skin barrier? And how do you know if it is damaged?

There’s been so much talk about the skin barrier online lately, it seems every other skin influencer and brand has a product for the skin barrier. 


I am here to give you easy to understand information about the skin barrier and how to know if yours is damaged and how to repair it if it is.


Let’s start with what it actually is…


The skin barrier is essentially a protective layer on your body. Think of it as a shield that prevents moisture and nutrients from escaping and blocks out harmful elements like germs and harsh environmental factors. Maintaining a healthy skin barrier is crucial for overall skin protection. In simple terms, it's like taking care of a barrier that keeps your skin safe and sound.


Here’s what causes it to be damaged...

- Harsh Weather Conditions

- Overwashing

- Overuse of Harsh Skincare Products

- Age

- UV Radiation

- Unhealthy Diet

- Certain Medical Conditions

- Smoking and Pollution


Here’s how to know if it is damaged…


  • Dryness and Dehydration: A damaged skin barrier often leads to increased water loss, resulting in dry and dehydrated skin. If your skin feels tight, rough, or lacks moisture, it can indicate a compromised barrier.


  • Redness and Inflammation: A weakened skin barrier can make your skin more susceptible to irritation and inflammation. If you notice redness, sensitivity, or increased reactivity to skincare products, environmental factors, or certain ingredients, your skin barrier may be compromised.


  • Itching and Irritation: Damaged skin is prone to itching and irritation. If you experience persistent itching or discomfort, it may be a sign that your skin barrier is not functioning optimally.


  • Flakiness and Peeling: A damaged skin barrier can lead to flakiness and peeling. If you notice excessive peeling or flaking, it may indicate that your skin is not retaining moisture properly.


  • Increased Sensitivity: A compromised skin barrier may make your skin more sensitive to various stimuli. You may find that your skin reacts more strongly to changes in temperature, wind, or certain skincare products.


  • Breakouts: A damaged skin barrier can contribute to an imbalance in the skin, making it more prone to breakouts. If you experience an increase in acne or notice changes in your skin's texture, it could be related to a compromised barrier.


  • Increased Red Blood Vessels (Telangiectasia): Persistent damage to the skin barrier can sometimes lead to the appearance of small, dilated blood vessels on the skin's surface.



How to repair a damaged skin barrier…


1. Hydration:

   - Drink plenty of water to keep your body and skin hydrated. Water is essential for overall skin health and helps maintain the moisture balance in your skin. Handy tip - If you struggle to drink water, the Anti-Aging Complex tastes amazing and makes it much easier to get the water down.


2. Healthy Fats and Omegas:

   - Omega-3s can help reduce inflammation and support skin barrier function. The Acne Cleanse delivers this to you in a simple & effective manner to nourish your skin from within.


3. Vitamin C:

   - Consuming vitamin C daily is essential for collagen synthesis, which can aid in skin repair. My products provide your body with an easy to absorb source of vitamin C.


4. Vitamin E:

   - Vitamin E has antioxidant properties that can help protect the skin from damage. Incorporating the Hyperpigmentation Cleanse provides your body with 15.5mg of vitamin E daily. 


5. Probiotics & digestive enzymes:

   - Probiotics support gut health, and there is a link between a healthy gut and skin barrier function. Drinking 1 scoop of the Anti-Aging Complex will support your gut health with its probiotic blend, alternatively, the PMS and the Rosacea Cleanse both contain gut-loving digestive enzymes.


Notes to remember to support your newly repaired barrier…


Choose a moisturizer with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides to help restore and maintain the skin's hydration levels.


Steer clear of products containing alcohol, fragrances, and harsh chemicals, as these can further irritate the skin.


Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 50 to protect your skin from UV damage.


I hope this information helps you be able to nourish, strengthen & restore your skin barrier!


Talk soon, 

K xx

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