

No more chicken skin!

No more chicken skin!

Keratosis pilaris is a pretty common skin condition where we can get small, rough bumps form on the skin. It is most often on the arms, thighs, or but. It is due to a buildup of keratin that blocks...

Let’s chat dark eye circles

Let’s chat dark eye circles

Hyperpigmentation around the eyes is formally called periorbital hyperpigmentation. This condition is characterized by the darkening of the skin around the eyes, leading to the appearance of dark c...

5 ways to maximise your clay mask!

5 ways to maximise your clay mask!

When it comes to clay masks, there are a few things you can do that really help to maximise the results they deliver. these are my top 5:   1️⃣ Start with freshly cleansed skin - Always apply your...

Calm Your Skin with Gotu Kola!

Calm Your Skin with Gotu Kola!

You may have seen everyone raving about different Centella based skincare products all over social media in the past few months. The hard thing about so many of these products is the fact they don’...



The Congestion Edit


如果你曾经经历过令人沮丧的堵塞、黑头、白头或凹凸不平的皮肤纹理,你就会知道遮盖起来有多难。化妆品只能在一定程度上掩盖皮肤纹理,而当谈到去除皮肤纹理的外用产品时,有一大堆刺激性的外用产品,让你很难知道哪种产品真正对你的皮肤有帮助。   以下是我根据您皮肤问题列出的简单而直接的产品清单。    皮肤暗沉、干燥、松弛和老化,而且还堵塞? 抗衰老复合物 它如何提供帮助 促进皮肤细胞更新,平滑肌肤,有...

Let's talk Bilberry Extract


越橘是一种小型深蓝紫色浆果,生长在越橘植物上,原产于欧洲、北美和亚洲。它们的外观与蓝莓相似,但更小,颜色通常更深。    它们因富含抗氧化剂而备受推崇,尤其是花青素,这为其颜色和健康带来益处。这些抗氧化剂具有令人难以置信的抗炎和抗衰老特性,此外,它们还有助于维持眼部健康、改善血液循环并增强认知功能。    这些小浆果听起来很神奇,但它们并不容易获得。如果你能找到它们,它们通常非常昂贵。新鲜的...

Has PCOS wrecked your skin?

PCOS 损害了你的皮肤吗?

多囊卵巢综合征 (PCOS) 影响着很多女性,它不仅影响我们的生育能力,还会导致荷尔蒙失衡,对我们的皮肤造成毁灭性的影响。这个话题与我息息相关,所以我想分析一些可以自然缓解 PCOS 女性所面临的皮肤问题的成分。    首先,可怕的是荷尔蒙性痤疮! 这是多囊卵巢综合征女性最常见的皮肤问题之一。雄激素水平升高会增加皮脂分泌,导致毛孔堵塞和痤疮爆发。这些爆发可能很严重,通常发生在面部、胸部和背部...