5 reasons you need the glass skin kit in your routine
The Glass Skin Kit is an epic duo for really nourishing & protecting your skin from the outside. Heres 5 reasons why I think you should give it a go! 1 You’ll notice an instant improvement! D...
Keratosis pilaris is a pretty common skin condition where we can get small, rough bumps form on the skin. It is most often on the arms, thighs, or but. It is due to a buildup of keratin that blocks...
Hyperpigmentation around the eyes is formally called periorbital hyperpigmentation. This condition is characterized by the darkening of the skin around the eyes, leading to the appearance of dark c...
5 ways to maximise your clay mask!
When it comes to clay masks, there are a few things you can do that really help to maximise the results they deliver. these are my top 5: 1️⃣ Start with freshly cleansed skin - Always apply your...
Calm Your Skin with Gotu Kola!
You may have seen everyone raving about different Centella based skincare products all over social media in the past few months. The hard thing about so many of these products is the fact they don’...
Jeśli doświadczyłaś wcześniej tego niezwykle frustrującego zatorów, zaskórników, zaskórników lub wyboistej tekstury skóry, wiedziałabyś, jak trudno jest je zatuszować. Makijaż może jedynie zamaskow...
Porozmawiajmy o ekstrakcie z borówek
Borówka to mała, ciemnoniebiesko-fioletowa jagoda rosnąca na borówce pochodzącej z Europy, Ameryki Północnej i Azji. Wyglądem przypominają jagody, ale są mniejsze i zazwyczaj mają ciemniejszy kolor...