Twice a day, double the glow

Twice a day, double the glow

I often get asked about the directions for taking my capsules and if you can just take them both at the same time. I get it, when you have a busy schedule, it may be easier to just take them all at once in the morning so it’s just done & dusted for the day. But there are actually a few really interesting key reasons that the instructions are to take 1 in the am & 1 in the pm.

We take the capsules twice a day rather than all at once to totally optimize their absorption and their effectiveness. Here’s why:

1️⃣ Steady Nutrient Levels

Spreading the dosage helps maintain a more consistent level of active ingredients in your system throughout the day. This ensures continuous support for our skin’s processes like melanin regulation and skin repair.

2️⃣ Improved Absorption

The body can only absorb a certain amount of nutrients at a time. Taking them all at once can risk your body wasting all of the beautiful active ingredients,

3️⃣ Targeting Different Metabolic Cycles

Our body’s metabolic processes vary during the day. For example, the morning dose helps with your body's natural energy and repair cycles, while the evening dose helps to support skin regeneration during our sleep.

4️⃣ Reduced Risk of Digestive Discomfort

They contain 17 potent natural active ingredients, so if you split the dose up, it allows your body to maximise all these beautiful ingredients whilst reducing the chance of them repeating on you or causing any disruption to your digestion or stomach upset.

So by sticking with the directions of this two-dose regimen ensures you get the absolute maximum benefit from the beautiful natural active ingredients, which will really support your skin health both internally and over the course of the day.

BUT, what is the ideal time gap between the 2 capsules??

The ideal time frame between taking the two Capsules is 8–12 hours. This spacing helps maintain steady nutrient levels throughout the day for optimal absorption and effectiveness.

I hope this info has been of benefit for you & as always, if you have any questions please let me know because I am always here to help 🩵

Talk soon,

K xx


Finally answering the stretch mark question!